Toronto Solar Window Films

The sun gives us warmth and light and life. Without it, plants could not thrive and we would all freeze. Just seeing a sunny room or experiencing a bright, sunlit morning can lift the spirits. The sun is a welcome partner in nearly everything we do on Earth.

Not everything about the sun is helpful, though. The very light that gives us comfort and sustenance also brings with it damaging and sometimes deadly ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation can damage interior furnishings and cause upholstery, carpets and drapes to fade. This radiation can also cause untold damage to the human body, particularly the skin. Exposure to UV rays is the leading cause of sunburn, wrinkles and skin cancer. It is essential to protect ourselves and our possessions from these harmful rays in any way we can.

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Toronto Solar Window Films for Energy Efficiency

Toronto solar window films imageSolar window films are one such way we can increase our protection. Solar window films block UV rays from entering a room through a window. These films still allow visible light to come in--something that is highly desirable--but they act as a filter for UV rays, keeping the worst of them outside where they belong. In addition to protecting furnishings and skin, solar window films also promote energy efficiency by keeping cool air inside during the summer and outside during the winter.

In Toronto, the best source for solar window films is Apex Window Films. Apex Window Films has a history in Toronto of being top window film experts. With uncompromising commitment to customer service and an astounding selection, there is no better place to go for Toronto solar window films than Apex Window Films. Call today at (416)335-8181 or email for more information on how solar window films can improve your home.